Monday, July 4, 2011


In our present time, many technologies were invented and became a part in our daily lives.They become useful to us because it makes our work easy.From our tradition,Science were always applied until now.But as time travels to our present world,science use a scientific method to produce new knowledge and increases the idea of science problem called Scientific progress ..

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We have notice that in our past time or tradition ,the quality of technologies are low.People in our tradition don't have any idea about improving knowledge.But because of Science and Scientific progress the improvements in our technologies become on a moderate level from low quality.And the new ideas about science were adopted while the old one's become abandoned.

The importance of Science and Scientific Progress,it helps our lives fulfilling and makes us experience how to live together with new ideas and technologies.Science and Scientific Progress helps us to change our tradition life into technological and  prosperous life.It develops our societies and to give advantages in  our daily lives.Science and Scientific Progress, also helps us to increase our knowledge for our world today.Now,that we live in this world we already experience the effect of science and scientific progress which changed our world into amazing one. This progress made our lives more efficient way of living.

We are very thankful for having this today. It gives success for us from our world in the past. It develops our country's economy.Science and Scientific Progress reminds us that we have to changed our economy,improve technologies in order to have a better society.We should not abuse for having this into our life,cause if we didn't care for this and didn't develop this, it may loss like a bubbles from us.

Behind that changes we should look and recall our past because we started from that portion before we reach the changes through the effect of Science and Scientific Progress.So we should live our world moderately and contented.We are blessed because our scientists work hard to develop and use precise technical terms for many for many of the things they talk about.. And because of that the wrong view of science craving to be right and truth.

 Scientific Progress gives us idea,explanation and proves in our curiousness.The goal of this is one-
dimensional and to have a better life than the past.The success this is also our success ..From
starting point to the destination point we are not failed to reach the goal.Maybe until now the
scientific debate is what science all about and how it progress,scientists have different opinions but
we must considered it until they can give proves to everyone what was the real answer behind in that debate :))

- faith --


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