Saturday, September 10, 2011


 We have already knowledge about coral reefs and mangroves. People knows that coral reef and mangrove has an important role in water. Now we will search the importance of this,at first we already know that coral reefs and mangroves serve as the habitat of fishes.

Coral reefs help the fishes, especially small fishes to avoid predators.Coral reefs is a source of beauty,coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems on Earth.Coral reefs are important for fisheries, and tourism. It protect nearby shorelines from the eroding forces of the sea.Base on my research coral reefs have been used in the treatment of cancer, HIV, cardiovascular diseases, ulcers, and other ailments. It is also the habitat for invertebrates such as conch, squid and octopus etc. 

Corals are colonies of tiny living animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients,often 
 called ''rainforests of the sea''.Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonatecorals.Most coral reefs are less than 10,000 years old.

see? coral reefs are important to us .Coral reefs often form the backbone of local economies. Tourists coming to dive need not only dive boats and guides, but also restaurants, hotels and commercial and entertainment facilities. In many cases, tourism which help our economic to improve and grow because of coral reefs. Not only do coral reefs make their own ecosystem, many other organisms also depend on coral reefs for life and shelter. Humans, too can't survive without an ecosystem.

As i search in the book,coral reefs are known to break the power of waves and reduce their intensity, thereby protecting coastal areas from destruction. Coral reefs can be called as nature's defense mechanism to prevent coastal soil erosion and flooding.

But corals are slowly destroyed by human and the only way to save corals:
Don't use chemically enhanced pesticides and fertilizers and  learn more about coral reefs,so that we will have more ideas of how important coral reefs is ..
SEE? Think how valuable is this contribution when it comes to the national, international and fisheries market.

When we talk about mangroves it protect the coast against erosion due to wind, waves, water currents and protect coral reefs, sea-grass bed and shipping lanes against siltation. They are also known to absorb pollutants.Mangroves also provide opportunities for education, scientific research and tourism.This is a mangrove ..

They maintain water quality and  filtering pollutants and originating from land.The mangroves are sources of highly valued commercial products and fishery resources.And because of these we should protect mangroves.Mangroves are buffers between the land and the sea. Mangrove trees are also used for house building, furniture. They play a vital role in stabilizing these areas.
Even if we negate all benefits of mangroves as forests, their value as "protector of shore-line" is enough to convince us for conserving them.

They are important to us people,both of them has stand very important role to our community.
They preserve fishes and other sea animals which we eat. We should conserve and take good care our coral reefs and mangroves ..

                                      'LOVE OUR NATURE'

-> f a i t h :p

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