Saturday, October 8, 2011

extra terrestrial :))

This extra terrestrial is all about ALIEN , they said discussion of extraterrestrial life centers on two distinct categories of such life. When most laypeople speak of "extraterrestrial life," they mean sentient life--that is to say, persons from another world, who are here either to reconnoiter, to trade, or to perform other such acts as a human explorer or soldier might perform. But this is not the sole category of life, nor even the sole category of life that, according to scientific speculation, might be found on another world or somehow come to ours. 

The other category of extraterrestrial life, besides the sentient, that has been the subject of speculation in scientific circles is the microbial.Consideration of the existence of extraterrestrial microbes is at least as important, if not more important, than is any consideration of the existence of extraterrestrial persons, races, nation-states, or civilizations.

Terrestrial is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. Referred to as alien life, or simply aliens, these hypothetical forms of life range from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings far more advanced than humans.

Alien life, such as bacteria, has been theorized to exist in the solar system and quite possibly throughout the Universe,they said that No samples of extraterrestrial life have been found. However, various controversial claims have been made for evidence of extraterrestrial life.Most UFO sightings are explained either as sightings of Earth-based aircraft or known astronomical objects or as hoaxes.

In addition to the biochemical basis of extraterrestrial life, many have considered evolution and morphology. SCIENCE FICTION has often depicted extraterrestrial life.
Extraterrestrial :

The development and testing of theories about extraterrestrial life is known as exobiology or astrobiology the term astrobiology, however, includes the study of life on Earth, viewed in its astronomical context. Many prominent scientists consider extraterrestrial life to be plausible, but the scientific community does not currently recognize any verifiable evidence of such life.

I can't say if it is true cause it is so unexpected to see like that alien in true life.All i know that even if they truly exist in this world they may be from other planets they still one creatures of God, maybe has a purpose but i can't say what it is.


Friday, October 7, 2011


As I search this topic,I felt excite,amazed and earn so many information.This topic is about Jupiter.Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass slightly less than one-thousandth of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined. Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Together, these four planets are sometimes referred to as the Jovian or outer planets.We all know that Jupiter is biggest planet of the solar system. Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen with a quarter of its mass being helium it may also have a rocky core of heavier elements. Because of its rapid rotation, Jupiter's shape is that of an oblate spheroid (it possesses a slight but noticeable bulge around the equator). The outer atmosphere is visibly segregated into several bands at different latitudes, resulting in turbulence and storms along their interacting boundaries. A prominent result is the Great Red Spot, a giant storm that is known to have existed since at least the 17th century when it was first seen by telescope.Jupiter, the most massive planet in our solar system -- with dozens of moons and an enormous magnetic field -- forms a kind of miniature solar system. Jupiter does resemble a star in composition, but it did not grow big enough to ignite. The planet's swirling cloud stripes are punctuated by massive storms such as the Great Red Spot, which has raged for hundreds of years.

jupiter :))

jupiter is so large, in fact, that it has 2.5 times the mass of all the rest of the planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter orbits from the Sun at an average distance of 779 million km. Its diameter at the equator is 142,984 km across; you could fit 11 Earths side by side and still have a little room. Jupiter is almost entirely made up of hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of other elements.
Jupiter has been visited by several spacecraft, including NASA’s Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft. Cassini and New Horizons arrived more recently. Only the Galileo spacecraft has ever gone into orbit around Jupiter, and it was crashed into the planet in 2003 to prevent it from contaminating one of Jupiter’s icy moons.

Although Jupiter would need to be about 75 times as massive to fuse hydrogen and become a star, the smallest red dwarf is only about 30 percent larger in radius than Jupiter. Despite this, Jupiter still radiates more heat than it receives from the Sun; the amount of heat produced inside the planet is similar to the total solar radiation it receives. This additional heat radiation is generated by the Kelvin mechanism through adiabatic contraction. This process results in the planet shrinking by about 2 cm each year.When it was first formed, Jupiter was much hotter and was about twice its current diameter.

Jupiter has been explored on several occasions by robotic spacecraft, most notably during the early pioneer and Voyager flyby missions and later by the Galileo orbiter. The most recent probe to visit Jupiter was the Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft in late February 2007. The probe used the gravity from Jupiter to increase its speed. Future targets for exploration in the Jovian system include the possible ice-covered liquid ocean on the moon Europa.

LOOK!it is so amazing .. so great ! This is all about JUPITER.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


 We have already knowledge about coral reefs and mangroves. People knows that coral reef and mangrove has an important role in water. Now we will search the importance of this,at first we already know that coral reefs and mangroves serve as the habitat of fishes.

Coral reefs help the fishes, especially small fishes to avoid predators.Coral reefs is a source of beauty,coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems on Earth.Coral reefs are important for fisheries, and tourism. It protect nearby shorelines from the eroding forces of the sea.Base on my research coral reefs have been used in the treatment of cancer, HIV, cardiovascular diseases, ulcers, and other ailments. It is also the habitat for invertebrates such as conch, squid and octopus etc. 

Corals are colonies of tiny living animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients,often 
 called ''rainforests of the sea''.Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonatecorals.Most coral reefs are less than 10,000 years old.

see? coral reefs are important to us .Coral reefs often form the backbone of local economies. Tourists coming to dive need not only dive boats and guides, but also restaurants, hotels and commercial and entertainment facilities. In many cases, tourism which help our economic to improve and grow because of coral reefs. Not only do coral reefs make their own ecosystem, many other organisms also depend on coral reefs for life and shelter. Humans, too can't survive without an ecosystem.

As i search in the book,coral reefs are known to break the power of waves and reduce their intensity, thereby protecting coastal areas from destruction. Coral reefs can be called as nature's defense mechanism to prevent coastal soil erosion and flooding.

But corals are slowly destroyed by human and the only way to save corals:
Don't use chemically enhanced pesticides and fertilizers and  learn more about coral reefs,so that we will have more ideas of how important coral reefs is ..
SEE? Think how valuable is this contribution when it comes to the national, international and fisheries market.

When we talk about mangroves it protect the coast against erosion due to wind, waves, water currents and protect coral reefs, sea-grass bed and shipping lanes against siltation. They are also known to absorb pollutants.Mangroves also provide opportunities for education, scientific research and tourism.This is a mangrove ..

They maintain water quality and  filtering pollutants and originating from land.The mangroves are sources of highly valued commercial products and fishery resources.And because of these we should protect mangroves.Mangroves are buffers between the land and the sea. Mangrove trees are also used for house building, furniture. They play a vital role in stabilizing these areas.
Even if we negate all benefits of mangroves as forests, their value as "protector of shore-line" is enough to convince us for conserving them.

They are important to us people,both of them has stand very important role to our community.
They preserve fishes and other sea animals which we eat. We should conserve and take good care our coral reefs and mangroves ..

                                      'LOVE OUR NATURE'

-> f a i t h :p

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We all know the situation of our Earth today , it was destroyed due to our carelessness ..
Our blue world become dry. One reason of this is the disadvantages of our new technologies, that 
can cause pollution,climate changes and etc. The total water of the earth is called as Hydrosphere
Water is very important to us,it is necessary for the survival of most living things.Majority knows 
that lack of water will kill an organisms,specially us.Some people don't mind the importance of water
from us.Without water we always feel the thirst,we feel dry and pail.We use the water in brushing our 
teeth,in bathing, and to make crops or plants grow, We know that clean drinking water is essential 

for us humans and other life forms.Imagine!how important water is!
Plants,animals,humans needs water.Without hydrosphere on earth such an ocean,the ships can't travel 
from one place to another.Ocean,sea,rivers are examples of earth's hydrosphere that provides foods for 
us like fish,crabs,shells,and many more that can be used for food.Earth's Hydrosphere provides an 
important place for many animals and plants to live.Water can also be used to generate electricity through hydro-power.The movement of water around,over and through the earth is called water cycle,a key
process of hydrosphere.But Earth's Hydrosphere have also disadvantages to us because of our

carelessness,like we didn't segregate properly our garbage,and because of that, sometimes we burn
the non-biodegradable that can be causes air pollution and led to climate changes,as i know if
climate changes happen the amount of available fresh water is decreasing.
But because of our carelessness climate changes happen that cause decreasing amount of available
freshwater.Pollution also happen that the available freshwater is being contaminated with harmful
elements such as fertilizer.It can cause poison.If we care about our nature,our Earth Hydrosphere
like rivers,sea and ocean can be used safe and valuable.

These are the importance of Earth's Hydrosphere. Conserve and make change !  

 SEA :))


We all know the situation of our Earth today , it was destroyed due to our carelessness ..
Our blue world become dry. One reason of this is the disadvantages of our new technologies, that 

can cause pollution,climate changes and etc. The total water of the earth is called as Hydrosphere.

Water is very important to us,it is necessary for the survival of most living things.Majority knows 
that lack of water will kill an organisms,specially us.Some people don't mind the importance of water
from us.Without water we always feel the thirst,we feel dry and pail.We use the water in brushing our 

teeth,in bathing, and to make crops or plants grow, We know that clean drinking water is essential 
for us humans and other life forms.Imagine!how important water is!

Plants,animals,humans needs water.Without hydrosphere on earth such an ocean,the ships can't travel 
from one place to another.Ocean,sea,rivers are examples of earth's hydrosphere that provides foods for 
us like fish,crabs,shells,and many more that can be used for food.Earth's Hydrosphere provides an 
important place for many animals and plants to live.Water can also be used to generate electricity through hydro-power.

The movement of water around,over and through the earth is called water cycle,a key

process of hydrosphere.But Earth's Hydrosphere have also disadvantages to us because of our
carelessness,like we didn't segregate properly our garbage,and because of that, sometimes we burn
the non-biodegradable that can be causes air pollution and led to climate changes,as i know if
climate changes happen the amount of available fresh water is decreasing.

But because of our carelessness climate changes happen that cause decreasing amount of available
freshwater.Pollution also happen that the available freshwater is being contaminated with harmful
elements such as fertilizer.It can cause poison.If we care about our nature,our Earth Hydrosphere
like rivers,sea and ocean can be used safe and valuable.

These are the importance of Earth's Hydrosphere. Conserve and make change !  

 SEA :))


We all know the situation of our Earth today , it was destroyed due to our carelessness ..
Our blue world become dry. One reason of this is the disadvantages of our new technologies, that 

can cause pollution,climate changes and etc. The total water of the earth is called as Hydrosphere.

Water is very important to us,it is necessary for the survival of most living things.Majority knows 
that lack of water will kill an organisms,specially us.Some people don't mind the importance of water
from us.Without water we always feel the thirst,we feel dry and pail.We use the water in brushing our 
teeth,in bathing, and to make crops or plants grow, We know that clean drinking water is essential 
for us humans and other life forms.Imagine!how important water is!

Plants,animals,humans needs water.Without hydrosphere on earth such an ocean,the ships can't travel 
from one place to another.Ocean,sea,rivers are examples of earth's hydrosphere that provides foods for 
us like fish,crabs,shells,and many more that can be used for food.Earth's Hydrosphere provides an 
important place for many animals and plants to live.Water can also be used to generate electricity through hydro-power.

The movement of water around,over and through the earth is called water cycle,a key
process of hydrosphere.But Earth's Hydrosphere have also disadvantages to us because of our
carelessness,like we didn't segregate properly our garbage,and because of that, sometimes we burn
the non-biodegradable that can be causes air pollution and led to climate changes,as i know if
climate changes happen the amount of available fresh water is decreasing.

But because of our carelessness climate changes happen that cause decreasing amount of available
freshwater.Pollution also happen that the available freshwater is being contaminated with harmful
elements such as fertilizer.It can cause poison.If we care about our nature,our Earth Hydrosphere
like rivers,sea and ocean can be used safe and valuable.

These are the importance of Earth's Hydrosphere. Conserve and make change !  

 SEA :))


   We all know the situation of our Earth today , it was destroyed due to our carelessness ..
Our blue world become dry. One reason of this is the disadvantages of our new technologies, that 
can cause pollution,climate changes and etc. The total water of the earth is called as Hydrosphere.

  Water is very important to us,it is necessary for the survival of most living things.Majority knows 
that lack of water will kill an organisms,specially us.Some people don't mind the importance of water
from us.Without water we always feel the thirst,we feel dry and pail.We use the water in brushing our 
teeth,in bathing, and to make crops or plants grow, We know that clean drinking water is essential 
for us humans and other life forms.Imagine!how important water is!

  Plants,animals,humans needs water.Without hydrosphere on earth such an ocean,the ships can't travel 
from one place to another.Ocean,sea,rivers are examples of earth's hydrosphere that provides foods for 
us like fish,crabs,shells,and many more that can be used for food.Earth's Hydrosphere provides an 
important place for many animals and plants to live.Water can also be used to generate electricity through hydro-power.

  The movement of water around,over and through the earth is called water cycle,a key
process of hydrosphere.But Earth's Hydrosphere have also disadvantages to us because of our
carelessness,like we didn't segregate properly our garbage,and because of that, sometimes we burn
the non-biodegradable that can be causes air pollution and led to climate changes,as i know if
climate changes happen the amount of available fresh water is decreasing.

  But because of our carelessness climate changes happen that cause decreasing amount of available
freshwater.Pollution also happen that the available freshwater is being contaminated with harmful
elements such as fertilizer.It can cause poison.If we care about our nature,our Earth Hydrosphere
like rivers,sea and ocean can be used safe and valuable.

  These are the importance of Earth's Hydrosphere. Conserve and make change !  

 SEA :))

Monday, July 4, 2011


In our present time, many technologies were invented and became a part in our daily lives.They become useful to us because it makes our work easy.From our tradition,Science were always applied until now.But as time travels to our present world,science use a scientific method to produce new knowledge and increases the idea of science problem called Scientific progress ..

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We have notice that in our past time or tradition ,the quality of technologies are low.People in our tradition don't have any idea about improving knowledge.But because of Science and Scientific progress the improvements in our technologies become on a moderate level from low quality.And the new ideas about science were adopted while the old one's become abandoned.

The importance of Science and Scientific Progress,it helps our lives fulfilling and makes us experience how to live together with new ideas and technologies.Science and Scientific Progress helps us to change our tradition life into technological and  prosperous life.It develops our societies and to give advantages in  our daily lives.Science and Scientific Progress, also helps us to increase our knowledge for our world today.Now,that we live in this world we already experience the effect of science and scientific progress which changed our world into amazing one. This progress made our lives more efficient way of living.

We are very thankful for having this today. It gives success for us from our world in the past. It develops our country's economy.Science and Scientific Progress reminds us that we have to changed our economy,improve technologies in order to have a better society.We should not abuse for having this into our life,cause if we didn't care for this and didn't develop this, it may loss like a bubbles from us.

Behind that changes we should look and recall our past because we started from that portion before we reach the changes through the effect of Science and Scientific Progress.So we should live our world moderately and contented.We are blessed because our scientists work hard to develop and use precise technical terms for many for many of the things they talk about.. And because of that the wrong view of science craving to be right and truth.

 Scientific Progress gives us idea,explanation and proves in our curiousness.The goal of this is one-
dimensional and to have a better life than the past.The success this is also our success ..From
starting point to the destination point we are not failed to reach the goal.Maybe until now the
scientific debate is what science all about and how it progress,scientists have different opinions but
we must considered it until they can give proves to everyone what was the real answer behind in that debate :))

- faith --